Anustup Nayak

Anustup Nayak

Anustup Nayak is a vice president at XSEED Education, with a decade-plus experience in improving elementary school education. Views are his own. Follow him @anustup_nayak on Twitter

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These non-bureaucratic ‘teacher-leaders’ will need to be skilled in classroom improvement, teacher preparation and institution building
It has become imperative to prepare young people with employable skills, environmental awareness and ethical action to face a turbulent future
Forbes India Image
Re-design our examination system to assess understanding, problem-solving and communication skills; not rote memorisation of facts and formulae
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A teacher needs a specific definition of what a proven approach to learning is, as a lawyer knows what our constitution says
Rote learning is like cancer. It is eating away at the future of India’s 250 million school-going children